Operating Engineers Local Union No. 542

Thank you for your interest in the Operating Engineers. Please complete the form below to get started.
"*" indicates required fields
Program Length: 4 years
When you accept applications: In October
Do you accept online applications? No
For our program, the minimum entry requirements are as follows:
- $10 money order
- Valid driver’s license.
Our Affiliates

Heavy Equipment Operators
Operating Engineers operate and maintain a variety of powered equipment. These range in complexity from air compressors, earth boring machines and bulldozers, to very large power shovels and cranes. Engineers operate this equipment to dig or excavate basements, trenches, post holes and tunnels; to raze obsolete or dilapidated structures, to move hoist, load and transport sand and gravel; to provide compressed air or electric power for powered hand tools. Operating Engineers lubricate, maintain and perform minor repairs and adjustments to the machinery. Engineers install clamshell, dragline buckets and other attachments required for certain jobs. A qualified Operating Engineer is capable of operating and maintaining a wide variety of powered construction equipment. Some Operating Engineers choose a certain type of machinery as their specialty and are known by that title instead of operating engineer. When preferred work is not available, however, engineers will operate different machines or instruct others in their use.